Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 10th September 2002

Hixie on XHTML

Ian Hickson: Sending XHTML as text/html Considered Harmful. Ian makes an excellent case for sticking with HTML 4.01 rather than upgrading to XHTML. Here’s the killer point (at least for me):

[... 193 words]

Thrown the switch

I’ve flicked the switch and redirected my old blog to this new site. Unfortunately the Bath University web server appears not to obey .htaccess directives so I am currently having trouble redirecting old archive pages to their new homes on this site. I should have that issue fixed shortly, but in the meantime permalinks to pages on my old site will throw an unsightly 404 error page.

Pocket Stuff

Jonathan Delacour:

[... 90 words]


Spotted on youngpup: Labels.js: A Re-Introduction to DHTML (from December 2001).

[... 183 words]

Composite for Mozilla

A few days ago, I blogged the following:

[... 134 words]

Pingback spec

I just realised I haven’t linked to the Pingback specification yet, so here it is. The spec has been carefully assembled by Ian Hickson and, although it is still a working draught, should be the first stop for anyone who wishes to create a Pingback implementation.

2002 » September
