Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 25th September 2002

Pingback coverage

The Pingback 1.0 specification is getting some serious attention. Mark Pilgrim and Dave Winer have linked to it. Ben Trott (co-author of Moveable Type and creator of TrackBack, the system that inspired Pingback) has objected to Hixie’s suggestion that Pingback is more transparent than TrackBack, claiming that TrackBack could be made just as transparent by the right blog tools. Ben blogged some further thoughts which lead to the following comment by Phil Ringnalda:

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Tony Bowden comments on Boo Hoo:

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RSS 3.0 was a joke. ESF is serious, and is already getting a fair bit of attention from the blogging and syndication communities.

Fluid thinking

Peter-Paul Koch explains graceful degradation in Fluid Thinking:

[... 41 words]

Formal systems

These notes cover the first lecture in Dr Dan Richardson’s Formal Systems, logic and semantics lecture. I missed the lecture so these notes are being made with the help of the course notes from Dr Richardon’s homepage (which can be viewed using DVI Viewer for Windows).

[... 568 words]

String rewriting systems

These notes are from the second lecture in Dr Richardson’s Formal Systems course.

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Deng—HTML rendering in Flash

DENG (via WaSP) is a W3C compliant XHTML/CSS/XForms rendering engine written entirely in Flash MX Actionscript.

[... 35 words]

More lecture notes

As you can see, I’ve posted some more lecture notes. The second set uses a HTML entities to display greek letters, as listed on this page of the HTML 4.0 recommendation.

[... 234 words]

2002 » September
