Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 30th July 2003

Superb CSS template/tutorial

I’m not sure how I missed this one. Holly Bergevin’s Perched Upon a Lily Pad is a CSS demo that shows off a 3 column layout with a flexible header, full length columns, horizontal navigation bar and complete descriptions of exactly how it all works contained within the page. It’s very educational (I’ve learnt a trick or two just by reading it) and a great example of solid, cross-browser CSS design.

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Quality news site URLs

Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman is devoting this week on his blog to discussion and analysis of news site’s URLs.Nathan’s 5 attributes for a good URL are worth repeating here as they succintly describe my own opinions:

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Python 2.3

After numerous alphas and betas, Python 2.3 has been released. has highlights of the release, while A.M. Kuchling’s What’s New in Python 2.3 goes in to a bit more detail. There’s some great new stuff, but the feature that particularly caught my eye is this:

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2003 » July
