Tuesday, 20th April 2004
A nice CSS template collection. auf Deutsch.
Internet Archive: FreeCache (via) Interesting approach to large file distribution, with no special client software required.
Why parrot in production? If you’re remotely interested in compiler technology or even just general computer science you should be reading Dan’s blog.
Will Trade Passwords For Chocolate (via) I’m not at all surprised. Most people see passwords as more of an annoyance than a security measure.
EFF: The Patent Busting Project (via) Awesome! Finally someone with the means to tackle crank internet patents.
Opinion with David Emberton (via) Compares standards to communism in the first sentence. Watch him get ripped apart in the comments.
// hicksdesign :: Thunderbird (via) New Thunderbird logo to accompany the Firefox one. I like it.
Vulnerability Issues in TCP. DoS attack against the protocol itself. This is not good.