Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 22nd April 2004

Starting at Google next month (via) Google hires Jeremy Hylton and Greg Stein.

# 1:29 am

cssutils (via) CSS library for Python (parsing and generation)

# 2:35 am

Python in Mathematics

Python in the Mathematics Curriculum by Kirby Urner is something of a sprawling masterpiece. It really comes in four parts: the first is a history of computer science in education, the second an appraisal of the impact of open source on education and the world at last, the third a dive in to the things that make Python so suitable for enhancing the mathematics curriculum and the fourth a discussion of how computer science and traditional mathematics are likely to play off against each other in the field of high school education.

[... 319 words]

Looking For-Best of David Hasselhoff [IMPORT]. 905 positive reviews. Read them. The Song “Hot Shot City” is particularly good.

# 2:53 am

Why MySQL grew so fast (via) A report from the MySQL users conference.

# 3:46 am

Google and Akamai: Cult of Secrecy vs. Kingdom of Openness. Google is much bigger than they let on.

# 4:06 am

Mozilla 1.7 RC 1

There are some interesting tid-bits hidden away in the release notes for the new Mozilla 1.7 RC 1 release. The following in particular caught my eye:

[... 196 words]