Simon Willison’s Weblog


August 2004

Aug. 17, 2004

Avoiding the dreaded Refresh (via) This upset me.

# 7:26 pm

Enter The Matrix. The most incredible user interface I’ve ever seen.

# 7:35 pm

Brain Hacks (via) I am SO looking forward to this.

# 7:46 pm

RealPlayer 10 for Linux (and thoughts on Real). Russell Beattie has something nice to say about Real!

# 9:53 pm

Aug. 18, 2004

Python in Air Traffic Control (via) Python goes mission critical.

# 6:13 am

CocoaBooklet. PDF as a global printing format for OS X gets even better.

# 9:58 am

Google Search: “hypertext links to this site, you must contact”. More dumb linking policies than you can shake a stupid stick at.

# 5:54 pm

Aug. 19, 2004

Site specific stylesheets in Mozilla

New in Mozilla 1.8 Alpha 3: bug 238099—implement at-rule for matching on site/document URL. Here’s the example:

[... 111 words] Identifying Atom. The hidden complexity of URIs is fascinating.

# 4:08 am

Woeful Circulation for Just Retailed Digital Edition of Newspapers. Not as bad as I originally thought.

# 6:06 pm

Toogle Search: ball of twine. It’s me in ASCII.

# 7:27 pm

Using Nicecast to send any audio to AirPort Express. A $20 shareware app and a clever workaround.

# 7:59 pm

Aug. 20, 2004

manipulator :: personal work. Photos of monkeys, by a celebrity photographer.

# 3:42 pm

New design for (via) Even nicer than the last one.

# 7:33 pm

Apache Module mod_actions. Channel all requests for a specific file type through a CGI script.

# 10:44 pm

IE Objectifier (via) mod_action + XSLT + PHP = neat hack.

# 10:45 pm

Aug. 23, 2004

Sam Ruby: Electronic Forgery. A nice, simple explanation of the collision in MD5.

# 2:54 pm

A snarky note from the administrator

No, you can’t have a Gmail invite. No, I won’t hack your email account for you. And if you can’t find your hotmail inbox, you shouldn’t be using a computer.

[... 44 words]

Aug. 25, 2004 Write News Editors (via) Talking points for point and click Republicans.

# 3:29 pm

Spot the easter egg. It’s awesome...

# 8:56 pm

Aug. 26, 2004

Latest WSGI Draft. The Python Web-SIG are working on a PEP.

# 12:13 am

The Colors! The OS X colour picker is way more powerful than I had realised.

# 12:13 am

Apache Module Idea: mod_ping. Smart thinking.

# 12:16 am

Alleviate RSI the Hacker Way (via) Jono Bacon takes on RSI. I’ve been using AntiRSI for a few months now.

# 12:23 am

1000th Blogmark

I just posted my 1000th blogmark. I can’t emphasize enough how much of an impact this 15 minute hack has had on both my browsing and my blogging habits. While I still tend to leave browser windows open for days at a time, I now at least have a procedure for getting rid of the ones that still interest me. More importantly, having blogmarks has eliminated the temptation to write a full blog entry (with quotation) just to share a link. This has dramatically reduced my posting rate, but has meant that when I do post an entry I usually have something moderately interesting to say.

[... 181 words]

QT’s Diary (via) Yes, it really is Quentin Tarantino, and he really has a blog.

# 6:35 am

Tarantino’s ’Casino’ Blog a Hoax (via) If it’s a hoax, it’s a damn good one.

# 8:04 pm

Roger Avary: It’s bogus (via) More on the fake Tarantino blog.

# 8:06 pm

Aug. 27, 2004

The Top Ten Subversion Tips for CVS Users. I’m getting in to the Subversion vibe.

# 1:56 am / subversion, cvs

Half-Life 2 Pre-Loading Begins (via) were working on this kind of thing when I worked there, but never really got anywhere with it.

# 2:52 pm

2004 » August
