Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 13th January 2004

Doing more with the iSight

The iSight came close to being the biggest disappointments of my new Mac experience. It looks gorgeous and appears to integrate seamlessly with iChat AV, although as I don’t currently have any contacts with an iSight I haven’t been able to try video conferencing yet. The dissapointment is that there was no clear way of using it to capture video directly—a feature that I reasonably expected from iMovie. Apple’s knowledge base knocks the point home pretty clearly:

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ongoing—Mac OS X. Collected OS X tips from Tim Bray

# 1:17 am

An ASP version of time_since. Nat’s function in ASP, with commentary

# 4:42 am

1 TeraByte FireWire drive from LaCie (via) In a 5.25" form factor. I want.

# 7:40 am

Torture by proxy / How immigration threw a traveler to the wolves (via) The most disturbing thing I’ve read in a long time

# 7:45 am

UsingAssertionsEffectively—PythonInfo Wiki. The PythonInfo Wiki is well worth exploring

# 9:06 pm

2004 » January
