Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 22nd January 2004

Defending web applications against dictionary attacks

Over at Reflective Surface, Ronaldo M. Ferraz discusses the usability of an authentication system that locks down an account for a certain period of time after three failed login attempts. Ronaldo sees this as a trade off between usability and security, but I see it more as an added security issue in that it allows malicious third parties to lock other user’s accounts armed only with their username.

[... 398 words]

NAA Digital Edge Winners Announced. We won best entertainment site for :)

# 1:13 am

When Word-to-XML conversion gets nasty. “it is impossible to automatically convert unstructured sources into structured formats”

# 3:06 am

integrating javascript into stylesheets (via) It’s a shame this trick doesn’t appear to work in user stylesheets

# 5:13 am

Bring Me Your Regexs! I Will Create HTML To Break Them! “Parsing HTML is a solved problem. Use a library.”

# 5:13 am

CSS Hacks—HTML-only Filters Summary. Hiding CSS using HTML filters

# 7:24 pm

Primate Photo Gallery. Pictures of monkeys. I like monkeys.

# 11:31 pm

2004 » January
