Simon Willison’s Weblog


June 2004

June 1, 2004

Midwest US hit by severe storms. They mostly missed Kansas. This time.

# 5:02 am

Ten Questions for Simon Willison. With answers. And a photo. Fame at last!

# 5:29 am

Purple Pilcrows. Pilcrows are cool.

# 2:22 pm (via) craigslist comes to KC.

# 8:28 pm

June 2, 2004

Lorem Ipsum: Generator3 (via) The internationalisation edition.

# 8:56 pm

June 3, 2004

The Plink Abductor! (via) Just the thing for all you plink haters. Great JavaScript as well.

# 1:27 am

EditThisPagePHP (via) A decent looking small site management system.

# 5:33 am

’Nerd Values’ Help Propel Tiny Craigslist Into Classifieds Threat (via) This is a big deal for the newspaper industry. Classifieds are a large chunk of their revenue.

# 3:03 pm

Exploring wxPython: The stdout/stderr Window and MessageDialogs. Joey deVilla’s series on wxPython continues.

# 4:26 pm Best. Domain. Ever.

# 10:41 pm

June 4, 2004

Tales of Optimization and Troubleshooting. A case study in improving application performance.

# 4:44 am

Context, Not Navigation. People don’t care how you categorise your site’s content—they just want to find what they want.

# 4:50 am

Like a weblog, but completely different. “If it wasn’t for BugMeNot bypassing your registration, I would let someone else show ads around your content, and wouldn’t ever link to you.”

# 6:06 am

June 5, 2004

June 6, 2004 (via) The latest political hack from the FaxYourMP guys.

# 9:09 pm

They Work For You

Today is/was (you never can tell with these wretched time zone differences) NotCon 2004, London’s premiere low-cost, informal, one-day technology conference. Friday’s MiniNTK promised the unveiling of a new project from the people behind FaxYourMP and PublicWhip and sure enough, here it is:

[... 210 words]

WCAG and the Myth of Accessibility. How learning disabilities remain mostly uncatered for.

# 10:06 pm

June 7, 2004

Jeffrey Veen: Driving the Next First Lady. “I had Legal Jackass status for a day, and I already miss it.”

# 6:01 pm

Profile: Steve Outing. “Smaller, innovative news sites like, which has figured out how to pay to have several ambitious and smart programmers on staff.” Yay us!

# 8:26 pm

June 8, 2004

Apple—AirPort Express. Versatile new WiFi toy from Apple.

# 12:41 am

OS X Tip: Remapping keyboard shortcuts

On my Mac, Apple+W is the shortcut for closing a window (or tab in a tabbed application such as Safari or Firefox) while Apple+Q quits the application completely. These keys are right next to each other on the keyboard. Today, for the final time, I hit the wrong key and accidentally sent a couple of days accumulation of useful browser windows straight in to the abyss. I say for the last time because my intended IRC rant about the stupidity of setting those two keys right next to each other was cut off by Richard Soderberg, who showed me how to remap keyboard shortcuts for any application in OS X.

[... 242 words] The #joiito shared bookmark bot.

# 4:37 am

June 9, 2004

Backporting from Python 2.3 to Python 2.2

We have a home-grown templating system at work, which I intend to dedicate an entry to some time in the future. We originally wrote it in Python 2.2, but upgraded to Python 2.3 a while ago and have since been evolving our code in that environment. Today I found a need to load the most recent version of our templating system on to a small, long neglected application that had been running the original version ever since it had enough features to be usable.

[... 356 words]

WaSP Survey (via) Tell us how to help you!

# 5:10 am / surveys, web-standards-project Perform ’natural order’ comparisons of strings in python.

# 5:55 am

Playing With Time: Gallery (via) A fantastic collection of movies showing slow things happening fast and fast things happening slowly.

# 6 am

Douglas County Fair Demolition Derby. Without this, my year in the US just wouldn’t be complete.

# 6:01 am

gzip: well, sometimes it’s simple. Finally a clear explanation of BlogSpot’s weird junk character problem in FireFox.

# 8:02 am

WHAT’s going on? In which I attempt to make some sense of the recent formation of the WHAT WG.

# 8:48 am

Implementation issues with DHTML behaviors (via) Interesting post by Dean Edwards to the WHAT WG mailing list.

# 9:10 am

2004 » June
