Simon Willison’s Weblog


October 2004

Oct. 6, 2004

BBC News Online Wikiproxy (via) Automatically adding Wikipedia links to capitalised words is a brilliant, brilliant idea.

# 7:27 am

Oct. 28, 2004

Access Denied (via) They’ve blocked access to the site for IPs outside the US. Similarities to their whole foreign policy?

# 12:08 pm

Oct. 29, 2004

Keeping up appearances

Wow, I think this is the longest gap in my blogging since I started! I wish I could say I’ve been enjoying the sunshine or taking up a new hobby, but the truth is that the weather’s been horrible and I’ve just been run off my feet readjusting to life in England and at University.

[... 222 words]

Oct. 31, 2004

Election endorsements

My ex-colleague Jacob Kaplan-Moss has put together a fantastic site listing the presidential endorsements published by American newspapers in the run up to the election. I was looking for something like this just the other day so it was great to find the answer so close to home. I was depressed but not at all surprised to see my former employer endorse Bush, but it’s interesting to see that of the four Kansan papers listed two endorsed Kerry, despite that state’s huge Republican majority.

2004 » October
