Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 10th September 2004

Photo Matt: RSS Bandwidth Usage. Matt makes the case for RSS scaling just fine if you’re smart about it.

# 2:48 am / matt-mullenweg, rss, scaling, bandwidth

VeriSign’s conflict of interest creates new threat. They’re the fox guarding the hen house.

# 7:28 am

Dynamic RSS Feeds and Bandwidth Consumption. A neat solution to badly behaved aggregators from Nick Bradbury.

# 7:36 am

hackdiary: experiments. Sexy Python API for

# 8:22 pm

Are you better off now than you were four years ago? (via) It’s the economy, stupid! Vicious employment graphs, available as postcards.

# 10:32 pm

PDF Browser Plugin. No more PDFs littering my desktop on OS X.

# 11:11 pm