Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2004

Sept. 21, 2004

Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby: Chapter 5. Them What Make the Rules and Them What Live the Dream

# 8:44 pm

Guardian Unlimited | Newsblog. The Guardian’s new blog. Interesting for the comments above anything else.

# 10:24 pm

Boris Johnson—Conservative MP (via) The first Tory MP blog. Unfortunately most of the entries at the moment are by his press secretary.

# 10:30 pm

The Joel Test for Web Development. How much can web developers learn from software developers? A heck of a lot.

# 11:17 pm

Sept. 22, 2004

NetNewsWire 2.0b3 and MarsEdit public betas. Plenty of new features, free upgrades for registered users.

# 4:13 am / netnewswire

Compiling PNG utilities on Mac OS X. Likely to be useful at some point.

# 6:28 am

XMLHttpRequest is coming to Opera! (via) It’s already in IE, Mozilla and Safari—Opera completes the set.

# 10:20 am

Opera 7.60 Preview 1 Changenotes. XMLHttpRequest + other goodies.

# 10:27 am

After Abu Ghraib. If even one tenth of this is true, it should be an international scandal.

# 5:26 pm job: Monitor / Linguist. Evesdrop on phone calls for the DHS, for $45 an hour!

# 11:41 pm

Sept. 23, 2004

Sam Ruby: Copy and Paste. This character encoding glitch has bitten me more times than I care to say.

# 10:22 pm

Sept. 24, 2004

TiddlyWiki (via) Client-side Wiki in JavaScript. In page editing is The Next Big Thing.

# 3:43 am

Sept. 28, 2004

Running Pydoc under mod_python

I’ve written about pydoc before. In my opinion it’s one of Python’s best kept secrets: a way of instantly browsing the properties, methods and documentation strings of any module available to the Python environment. It can even run a local HTTP server to allow for easy browsing of available documentation.

[... 372 words]

Sept. 30, 2004

Back in England

And I’m back.

[... 80 words]

2004 » September
