Tuesday, 26th April 2005
Getting to the Mobile Web. Russell Beattie on why the mobile web sucks, and steps we can take to fix it.
Readable switch construction without lambdas or dictionaries. Surprisingly elegant.
[Geowanking] Google Maps UK (via) Optimistic thoughts on the hackability of Google Maps.
Aardvark Firefox Extension. Neat extension for exploring (and altering) the layout of a page.
Sparklines in data URIs in Python. A neat hack with data: URIs and the Python Imaging Library.
Quittin’ time. Matt May is leaving the W3C—and seeking an interesting new job.
New Values for a New Age of Journalism. The news industry would be so much smarter if they followed this advice.
random.org (via) True random numbers, with entropy provided by a radio tuned to white noise.
Who is using random.org? The user testimonials are pretty, well, random.
Gecko Info for Windows Accessibility Vendors (via) “This FAQ explains how makers of Windows screen readers, voice dictation packages and magnification software can support Gecko-based software”
Greasemonkey for personalized accessibility. Why Greasemonkey is the perfect tool for client-side accessibility enhancements.
Xyle. Kind of like Mozilla’s DOM inspector for Safari.
The 1 million download challenge. In which Opera’s CEO attempts to swim the atlantic.
iPod Truffle. Andy’s been distracting us from our dissertations.
Why every student should own a Mac (via) Michelle Levesque on student laptop culture.