Simon Willison’s Weblog


March 2005

March 23, 2005

How to really confuse your party guests. A normal room?

# 4:44 am

The Path of Least Resistance. This was one of the most interesting issues raised at SxSW.

# 4:48 am

PyCon 2005 photos. I’ve started uploading to Flickr.

# 6:06 pm

Greaseblog (via) The weblog about greasemonkey

# 9:52 pm / greasemonkey

March 25, 2005

JavaScript Breakpoints. Another brilliant piece of JavaScript hackery from Steve Yen.

# 12:07 am

Luminocity OpenGL Videos. These are pretty cool.

# 12:10 am A clever Python screen-scraping module, with similarities to WWW::Mechanize.

# 5:09 am

Jeffrey Veen: State-of-the-art interactivity? All-Flash sites still suck.

# 5:16 am

tpp—text presentation program. s5 is old hat: this ncurses-based presentation program runs in a terminal.

# 6:46 pm

March 28, 2005

PyCon observations

I’m back from my two week stint in the US, and currently suffering from vicious jet-lag (my body wants me to go to sleep at 5am and wake up just past noon). Herewith some observations on PyCon, SxSW and the differences between the two.

[... 791 words] Fun Python hack for use with map() and filter().

# 8:04 pm

March 29, 2005

Drag-and-drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS. I built something very similar to this last year at the Journal-World.

# 6:06 am

Google Acquires Urchin (via) I’ve used Urchin, and it’s a very decent piece of software.

# 9:06 pm

March 30, 2005

Five-minute Multimethods in Python. A nice decorator example from Guido.

# 8:47 am / guido-van-rossum, python

[delicious-discuss] big news. Joshua has funding, and is now working on full time.

# 8:55 am

Greasemonkey as a lightweight intermediary

In The architecture of intermediation, Jon Udell discusses the need for a mechanism for a high-level tool for adding custom features to web applications. In Jon’s case, he wants to add a private bookmarks feature to Jon thought about using a web proxy to intercept and modify pages, but ruled it out as too low-level.

[... 354 words]

Ajax forest, Remote Scripting trees. Brent Ashley, father of the JSRS library, kicks in on Ajax.

# 7:19 pm / brent-ashley, ajax, javascript

March 31, 2005

Where the eye falls. Cool graphic showing an eye tracker study of a Google search results page.

# 6:20 am

Web Technology Put To Good Use (via) Ben Brown explains how tags will get you laid on his new dating site, Consumating.

# 7:15 pm

2005 » March
