Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 8th August 2006

Darwin Calendar Server. Apple’s open source CalDAV server is written in Python.

# 8:25 am

ModelViewController.mp3 (warning: singing). It’s the Model View Controller song!

# 11:04 am

The YDN Python Developer Center

I recently had the opportunity to put together the Python Developer Center for the Yahoo! Developer Network. YDN is one of my favourite parts of Yahoo! so I jumped at the chance, and the resulting mini-site is now online (YDN blog post here).

[... 235 words]

YDN Python Developer Center. Launched today: tips and tutorials on accessing Yahoo! Web services from Python.

# 8:57 pm / yahoo, ydn, python

Unicode strings to ASCII ...nicely. Uses unicodedata.normalize to filter out accents.

# 9:13 pm

Mark Shuttleworth: Jono Bacon steps up. Jono is the new community manager for Ubuntu. Awesome.

# 9:35 pm

Gina Ford vs the Web. “I’ll sue you! I’ll sue you in England!”

# 10:21 pm

New Media Hack on YDN Python Center. Recommends pycurl—I have to admit I hadn’t looked at that.

# 11:29 pm

2006 » August
