Simon Willison’s Weblog


August 2006

Aug. 18, 2006

Mapping the Roads, One Off-Ramp at a Time Page. How those GPS mapping trucks work.

# 9:25 pm

Aug. 20, 2006 Help me build a list of sites that let you log in with OpenID.

# 3:14 am / openid, delicious

GopherNow—Late night food and more. Inspired by

# 12:35 pm

Aug. 21, 2006

TradeMe: Big Fish In A Small Pond. Localization matters.

# 4:24 pm

Aug. 22, 2006

Web Inspector Gains New Eyes for Metrics, Properties. Debugging in Safari gets better again. Really neat Metrics view.

# 12:44 am

Aug. 23, 2006

Hadoop. Open-source Google File System / map-reduce equivalent. Apparently scales amazingly well.

# 8:36 am / hadoop

Urwid. Text console application library for Python.

# 6:36 pm

Blow to inventors as Segway banned (via) Segways banned in the UK! That sucks.

# 8:30 pm

Aug. 24, 2006

RSS CAPTCHA Prototype. Accessible captchas based on RSS feeds from friends’ sites.

# 7:01 pm

The “add a class name” JavaScript widget philosophy. Dustin makes a good argument against it.

# 10:53 pm

Aug. 25, 2006

Next-Gen DVD Support Yanked from 32-Bit Vista. Stuff like this should greatly accelerate the coming DRM backlash.

# 4:48 pm

Aug. 28, 2006

Flickr launches geocoding. Really great job—congrats Dan Catt and the rest of the team.

# 8:46 pm

Aug. 29, 2006

Aug. 30, 2006

FlickrBlog: Geotagging—one day later. Over a million photos geotagged in 24 hours.

# 5:59 am

memcache_engine. A memcached storage engine for MySQL.

# 6:07 am

sudo sandwich. xkcd cracks me up.

# 6:50 am / funny, xkcd

New Manipulators proposal. Raising forms as exceptions is weird, but actually really clever.

# 11:32 am

ZoneTag integration. Awesome S60 phone upload application gets even better.

# 11:55 am

Yahoo! Hack Day is coming. 24 hour outdoor hacking / camping party at Yahoo! US. Wish I could go.

# 3:54 pm

Aug. 31, 2006

simonwillison tag on a map. Kind of creepy, but also very cool.

# 4:22 pm

2006 » August
