Simon Willison’s Weblog


December 2006

Dec. 1, 2006

MOBILE CLUBBING. Encountered this yesterday evening at Paddington. Photos on Flickr.

# 1:11 am / flashmob, flickr

Google Mondrian. Internal Google application, powered in part by Django!

# 11:27 am / google, django

XSL Flickr. An XSL interface to the Flickr API. It even does auth!

# 12:20 pm / xsl, flickr

Dancing on the Platforms. I stumbled in to this last night.

# 3:47 pm / flashmob

Dec. 2, 2006

Using hasLayout to fix bugs in IE. With illustrative screen shots.

# 2:10 pm / ie, bugs, haslayout, natalie-downe

Dec. 3, 2006

Django on Dreamhost: incomplete headers. Calling your file dispatch.fcgi (as opposed to django.fcgi) fixes the problem.

# 7:04 pm / django, dreamhost

Dec. 4, 2006

Yahoo! aerial imagery in OpenStreetMap. Tracing is allowed. This should speed things up an awful lot.

# 1:17 pm / openstreetmap, yahoo, maps

Firebug 1.0 Beta. Unbelievably brilliant software. I use this every day.

# 1:28 pm / firebug, firefox, extensions

Firebug Lite. Add Firebug to your site for non-Firefox browsers.

# 2:31 pm / firebug

Dec. 5, 2006

The case for OpenID. I look forward to embracing our OpenID future.

# 1:34 pm / openid, advocacy

Dec. 6, 2006

Recognizing Web 2.0. Kevin Yank has a new and surprisingly non-sucky definition for Web 2.0.

# 7:39 am / web2, kevin-yank

WYMeditor. A semantic rich text editor that appears not to suck!

# 4:35 pm / javascript, semantic, richtext

Dec. 7, 2006 Nat’s been blogging up a storm recently.

# 12:52 am / natalie-downe

Microsoft versus FOSS Configuration Management. Why the Free Software world’s source control works and Vista’s apparently doesn’t.

# 9:28 am / microsoft, open-source, sourcecontrol

Marksman Called In To Kill Kingstons Pigeons (via) Best letters-to-the-editor I’ve seen in ages.

# 11:50 am / funny, pigeons

The Architecture of Mailinator. 3 million e-mails a day on a 2GHz server with 1GB of RAM.

# 3:11 pm / mailinator, scaling

python-cluster. Fantastic interface design—pass a list and a function and you’re done.

# 5:19 pm / python, algorithm

Dec. 8, 2006

A conversation with Jon Udell about his new job with Microsoft. Jon wants to bridge the gap between the alpha geeks and the mainstream.

# 2:16 pm / jon-udell, microsoft

WiiSaber. From the genius that brought you MacSabre.

# 4:33 pm / osx, wii, macsabre

DarwiinRemote (via) Software for communicating with a Wii Remote from your Mac.

# 4:34 pm / wii, osx Trojaned Navigation Menu. Replace the “Home” link with a link to a phishing page.

# 4:41 pm / myspace, phishing

Dec. 10, 2006 (via) The response to Verizon’s appalling maths.

# 1:12 pm / xkcd, verizon, funny

Stemtags is back, thanks to Camping. Nice example of a throw-away single script web app,

# 8:51 pm / matt-biddulph, ruby, camping

Dec. 12, 2006

Java SE 6 Released. “Script engines” (like JavaScript, Jython and JRuby) become a first class citizen.

# 8:48 am / javascript, jython, jruby, java

Agile Development -or- How to name a religion. Clever language trick: If you’re not doing agile, you’re “not agile”.

# 8:54 am / jargon, agile

A General Theory of Programming Language Relativity. Functional languages have clearer levels of indirection.

# 8:56 am / functional, programming

How many taps in a URL? Designing URLs for entry on a mobile phone.

# 12:28 pm / mobile, cameronmarlow, urls

100% Python SCGI implementation. SCGI is like FastCGI but simpler.

# 1:37 pm / scgi, python

Russian squirrel pack “kills dog” (via) “The little beasts are agitated because they have nothing to eat”.

# 1:59 pm / squirrels

2006 » December
