Simon Willison’s Weblog


November 2006

Nov. 27, 2006

Frank Wierzbick: I now work for Red Hat (via) Includes news of Jython progress: slots support is in, which hopefully is a solid step towards Python 2.3 compatibility.

# 8:03 pm

ElementTree Text Helper. Monkey patches a textlist() method in to ElementTree.

# 8:04 pm

Nov. 28, 2006

Including Dojo, The Really Easy Way. Drop in a single include to load code on demand from AOL’s CDN.

# 12:22 pm / dojo, aol, cdn, javascript

BuddyLube (warning: plays music). Best. Jingle. Evah.

# 3:34 pm

Incompatible SQLite in OS X and Python. I’ve hit this problem; James has the solution.

# 5:40 pm / sqlite, osx, python

Nov. 29, 2006

Startup key combinations for Intel-based Macs. I wish I didn’t need these...

# 11:50 am / osx

Nov. 30, 2006

Unicode character information. Useful lookup tool.

# 11:55 am / unicode

Ocean Waves: the applications built on Seaside (via) An interview with Avi Bryant.

# 11:07 pm / seaside, avi-bryant

2006 » November
