Wednesday, 15th August 2007
jQuery for JavaScript programmers
When jQuery came out back in January 2006, my first impression was that it was a cute hack. Basing everything around CSS selectors was a neat idea (see getElementsBySelector) but the chaining stuff looked like a bit of a gimmick and the library as a whole didn’t look like it would cover all of the bases. I wrote jQuery off as a passing fad.
[... 2,608 words]This is all your app is: a collection of tiny details.
AuditTrail. Add change tracking and history to a Django model with a single line of code. Doesn’t handle relationships though, which is definitely the toughest part of this problem.
AOL & OpenID—Status Update. It looks like they’re whitelisting a small list of providers for the moment. I’m not sure what this means for delegation.
Lazy Function Definition Pattern. Neat JavaScript trick: redefine a function the first time it’s called, for example to switch in different browser implementations based on object detection.
The World Beard and Moustache Championships 2007. In Brighton on the 1st of September, tickets are a fiver. Unfortunately we’re moving that day so we probably can’t make it.
Some Notes on the YUI Rich Text Editor. Dav Glass explains how he achieved the impressive feat of building a rich text editor widget that also works in Safari.