Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 28th December 2007

I definitely like Python 3K's Unicode support better [...] In fact, I think I prefer Ruby 1.8's non-support for Unicode over Ruby 1.9's "support". The problem is one that is all to familiar to Python programmers. You can have a fully unit tested library and have somebody pass you a bad string, and you will fall over.

Sam Ruby

# 7:05 pm / ruby, sam-ruby, unicode, python, unittesting, ruby19, rubi18

The backdooring of SquirrelMail. A SquirrelMail developer’s account was compromised and used to insert a backdoor: the other developers initially missed the hole because it used $_SERVER[’HTTP_BASE_PATH’], which can be set with a Base-Path: HTTP header.

# 11:40 pm / http, php, squirrelmail, backdoor, security

Fluid. Another site-specific browser toolkit for OS X (Leopard only), from Todd Ditchendorf. Again, it’s not clear if this does the Right Thing and creates separate cookie jars for every application.

# 11:42 pm / fluid, cookies, sitespecificbrowsers, toddditchendorf, osx, leopard

Web design 2.0—it’s all about the resource and its URL. The fact that the BBC is now building things against this kind of theoretical basis is immensely exciting.

# 11:47 pm / bbc, urls

2007 » December
