December 2007
Dec. 19, 2007
Misapplying book terms, Pylons, and the ’end-user’. Ben Bangert responds to Adam Gomaa’s claim that Pylons lacks “conceptual integrity”.
OGN5: Wednesday February 6, 2008. Great line-up for the next Oxford Geek Night: Rufus Pollock and Denise Wilton.
Dec. 20, 2007
I don't even use Firefox and Firebug anymore, the revised Web Inspector in Leopard has been incorporated in Coda and that does everything I need and more.
IE8 Passes Acid2 Test. This is huge. As Kevin Yank points out, this means IE8 includes proper support for the object tag, CSS table layout properties and generated content.
Design. A very fancy suite of design tools wrapped up in a bookmarklet (that loads an external script). Includes grids, rulers, measurements and a crosshair.
Eventually Consistent. Werner Vogels explains the trade-offs involved in building scalable, highly-available data stores such as Amazon’s SimpleDB.
Maven: Broken By Design. Charles Miller: “If you check out a particular version of your code and build it with particular versions of your tools, you should get a product that is binary-identical each time.”
Dec. 21, 2007
Using Unipath to Keep Things Portable. Django tip to avoid hard-coding full paths. I usually set a global called OUR_ROOT in using os.path.dirname(__file__) and use os.path.join with it to construct any other paths that I need.
Dec. 22, 2007
Pvote (via) Electronic voting machine software in 460 lines of highly readable Python (using Pygame), implemented by Ka-Ping Yee for his doctoral dissertation. Demonstrates prerendering, where as much of the UI as possible is defined in a separate ballot definition file.
Speeding up dateutil: Python’s heapq module turns minutes into seconds. Neat case study in data structure optimisation.
Dec. 23, 2007
Johnny Chung Lee: Projects Wii. Awe-inspiring hardware hacks built on top of the Wiimote, including a dirt cheap interactive whiteboard and a head tracking system that turns a normal display in to a 3D VR environment.
5 ways to break past the San Francisco echo-chamber. I like the idea of using the square-footage allocated to different things in Walmart to get an idea for what’s popular outside of geekdom.
Quantcast top 100 US sites (via) The vast majority of the top 100 attract a more female than male audience. Digg is one notable exception.
WebOb. WebOb is “an extraction and refinement of pieces from Paste”—provides a very nice request and response object, clearly inspired partly by Django. The documentation includes the differences between the WebOb API and that of other frameworks.
Dec. 24, 2007
Size Is The Enemy.
Jeff Atwood: “I’ve started a cottage industry mining Steve [Yegge]’s insanely great but I-hope-you-have-
an-hour-to-kill writing and condensing it into its shorter form points.” Lots of verbose static typing apologists in the comments.
IPy. Handy Python module for manipulating IP addresses—use IP(ip_addr).iptype() == ’PUBLIC’ to check that an address isn’t in a private address range.
Dec. 25, 2007
Google Reader ruins Christmas (via) New sharing feature automatically reveals shared items to Gmail contacts, causing political rows.
Is it Christmas? YES.
Dec. 26, 2007
Ruby 1.9—Right for You? Dave Thomas on the just-released Ruby 1.9. It’s a development release that breaks backwards compatibility in a few minor ways, but new features include the YARV virtual machine (hence significant speed improvements) and unicode support via associating encodings with bytestrings.
David Airey: Google’s Gmail security failure leaves my business sabotaged (via) Gmail had a CSRF hole a while ago that allowed attackers to add forwarding filter rules to your account. David Airey’s domain name was hijacked by an extortionist who forwarded the transfer confirmation e-mail on to themselves.
Boxing Day toy discovery: Mega Bloks not compatible with Duplo! See, Alex Russell? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU INNOVATE AHEAD OF STANDARDS
Django and Comet. How to build a chat application using Django and the Orbited comet server. Orbited can be set up to proxy most requests through to a Django backend while handling any comet requests itself.
Dec. 27, 2007
EU: Microsoft’s Last Stand Against Google’s Acquisition of DoubleClick. Notable for some truly incomprehensible chartjunk from Microsoft.
Dec. 28, 2007
I definitely like Python 3K's Unicode support better [...] In fact, I think I prefer Ruby 1.8's non-support for Unicode over Ruby 1.9's "support". The problem is one that is all to familiar to Python programmers. You can have a fully unit tested library and have somebody pass you a bad string, and you will fall over.
— Sam Ruby
The backdooring of SquirrelMail. A SquirrelMail developer’s account was compromised and used to insert a backdoor: the other developers initially missed the hole because it used $_SERVER[’HTTP_BASE_PATH’], which can be set with a Base-Path: HTTP header.
Fluid. Another site-specific browser toolkit for OS X (Leopard only), from Todd Ditchendorf. Again, it’s not clear if this does the Right Thing and creates separate cookie jars for every application.
Web design 2.0—it’s all about the resource and its URL. The fact that the BBC is now building things against this kind of theoretical basis is immensely exciting.
Dec. 29, 2007
django-mptt (via) Jonathan Buchanan’s simple utility for performing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (efficient tree operations in SQL) on Django models.
Hacky holidays on OS X. Jeremy Keith documents how to get PHP 5 and Apache 2 virtual hosts running on Leopard.
Sam Ruby: Ruby 1.9 Strings—Updated. A follow up to yesterday’s post: Sam’s principle complaints about Ruby 1.9’s character encoding support were down to a bug which has now been fixed.