Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 6th February 2007

There's an unfortunate side-effect to altogether eliminating the sub-domain name from your site URLs [...] Every cookie you may want to set for that site will automatically "bleed" down to all sub-domain-based websites you might want to add later.

Már Örlygsson

# 12:01 am / urls, cookies

Running the DRM Gauntlet. DRM war stories from the Songbird team. Windows Media and QuickTime both block debuggers in different ways.

# 12:55 am / songbird, quicktime, drm, windowsmedia

Live DOM Viewer (via) Neat tool from Hixie that provides an insight in to what browsers are actually thinking.

# 1:12 am / browsers, javascript, dom, ian-hickson

Em Calculator. Tool for working out CSS relative em values, useful for creating completely resizable layouts.

# 2:03 pm / css, layout, ems