Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 24th July 2007

Disambiguated URLs with Ruby on Rails. Using before_filter to remove trailing slashes and a few lines of lighttpd configuration to kill the www.

# 3:18 pm / disambiguated, lighttpd, nowww, rails, rubyonrails, urls

Django Master Class. Notes and slides from the OSCON tutorial I gave yesterday with Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Jeremy Dunck.

# 3:20 pm / django, jacob-kaplan-moss, jeremy-dunck, oscon, oscon07, python, speaking, tutorial

ActionMonkey (via) SpiderMonkey + Tamarin = ActionMonkey. New JavaScript engine for Mozilla 2, incorporating code from Adobe’s Open Source ActionScript VM.

# 3:29 pm / actionmonkey, actionscript, adobe, javascript, mozilla, spidermonkey, tamarin

Instant Django. Portable Django environment for Windows, no installation required. Can also be run from a USB thumb drive.

# 6:49 pm / django, instantdjango, python, usb, windows

What to do on vacation?

I had a fantastic (and not expensive) Cajun meal here last night at Montage—really fun place, very quirky.

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2007 » July
