Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 16th June 2007

[...] Silverlight has full access to the browser DOM and you can make calls from Javascript into silverlight code and from Silverlight into Javascript. This means that you can already write the presentation layer of a client side web app in Javascript and implement your business logic in IronPython.

Michael Foord

# 12:25 am / fuzzyman, ironpython, javascript, michael-foord, silverlight

Making the “24-hour newsroom” work (via) More on the Lawrence Journal-World, this time from the point of view of the reporters in the newsroom.

# 12:27 am / journalism, lawrence, ljworld, newspapers

About Mezzoblue. Dave Shea’s blog archive is really classy, in particular the way bundles of posts around a single photo share a colour scheme derived from the image.

# 12:30 am / dave-shea, design

HTML5 differences from HTML4. Useful guide, collated by Anne van Kesteren.

# 12:31 am / annevankesteren, html, html5

How to travel by train from London to Vilnius. Nat and I are thinking about doing this for EuroPython. Could be a bit of an adventure.

# 1:34 am / adventure, europython, london, train, vilnius

2007 » June
