Simon Willison’s Weblog


May 2007

May 26, 2007

The Oxford Guide free WiFi plotted on Google Maps. The guide offers a geocoded Atom feed which can be directly plotted on a Google Map.

# 9:55 am / google, google-maps, theoxfordguide, oxford, wifi

Wi-Fi Wants To Kill Your Children. Ben Goldacre tears the ridiculous Panorama WiFi episode to pieces.

# 10:12 pm / wifi, ben-goldacre, badscience, panorama

Now if WS-* technologies wants to own the niche of one proprietary platform technology talking to another in a homogeneous, closed environment...who cares? Good riddance I say. Just keep that shit off the Web.

Dare Obasanjo

# 10:23 pm / ws-star, dare-obasanjo, web-services

May 27, 2007

The Truth About Wireless Devices. “After eating babies, the WiFi Routers will grow to enormous size and attack our cities.”

# 2:09 pm / wifi, funny, wellingtongrey

Levenshtein. Python C extension for Levenshtein distance and other advanced diff functions.

# 6:51 pm / python, levenshtein

The Data Bill of Rights (via) John Battelle’s inherently sensible “draft of what rights we, as consumers, might demand from companies making hay off the data we create as we trip across the web”.

# 7:28 pm / data, john-battelle

Feedwhip. Create an RSS feed or e-mail alert for changes made to any Web page.

# 8:43 pm / rss, diff, feedwhip

Reducing HTTP requests using make. Nice simple recipe for concatenating JavaScript in to one file using make—doesn’t do anything for cache-busting though.

# 11:29 pm / javascript, performance, make

The movie that time forgot (via) The tragically unmade “Zeppelin vs Pterodactyls”.

# 11:58 pm / hammer, pterodactyls, tragedy, zeppelins, film

May 28, 2007

PDF Shrink. $35 OS X app that crunches down the size of PDF files—useful if you often embed photos in your presentations.

# 2:21 pm / pdfshrink, pdf, presentations, osx

Google Image Search does faces (via) The undocumented imgtype=face parameter. Kind of creepy.

# 8:08 pm / google, imagesearch

May 29, 2007

Nat and I had a bit of a mini-hackday this bank holiday Monday. Nat’s been doing a great job summoning local geeks out of the woodwork with Oxford Geek Nights event, but it’s still pretty hard to find other interesting events in the Oxfordshire area. It’s not that there aren’t any, it’s just that the geek community in Oxford is currently pretty fragmented.

[... 295 words]

Emiller’s Balls-Out Guide to Nginx Module Development. Extremely detailed guide to extending the nginx Web server using C.

# 7:38 pm / nginx

typogrify (via) “Typogrify is a collection of Django template filters that to help prettify your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and widows and providing CSS hooks to style some special cases.”

# 7:38 pm / typography, django, jeff-croft, templatefilters, christian-metts

XSSed. Cross-site scripting resource and vulnerabilities archive, including reported (unpatched) holes ordered by PageRank.

# 10:03 pm / xss, pagerank, security

Top XSS exploits by PageRank. Yahoo!, MSN, Google, YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook all feature.

# 10:07 pm / yahoo, msn, google, youtube, facebook, xss, pagerank, security

Announcing FOWA Expo—London October 2007. I’m chairing the development track.

# 10:08 pm / development, chairing, conferences, fowa, ryan-carson

Outcry over TV kidney competition. Reality television is now a parody of itself.

# 11:01 pm / parody, realitytv, tv, bbcnews

May 30, 2007

If you write a spec, write a validator alongside. How much pain could have been spared with early versions of RSS if we'd had a common, agreed upon validator. In short, it's the test suite that ultimately decides the spec.

Joe Heck

# 1:48 am / rss, validator, joe-heck, tim-bray, specifications

Howto: Google Maps Street View outside US. Add “&gl=us” at the end of the URL to avoid the evil geo IP restriction and play with Google’s latest toy.

# 7:40 am / google-maps, google, streetview, geoip

The Google Maps Street View team? They’re posing outside the Googleplex so I’m guessing this is the team that built it.

# 12:29 pm / streetview, google, google-maps, easteregg, googleplex

Problems with XHTML content type.

The first question you should be asking is why you need XHTML—if you don’t have a specific reason (the need for XML parsers to be able to consume your pages) you’re much better off with HTML 4.01 for now, and HTML 5 in probably a year or so.

[... 245 words]

’tie’ considered harmful (via) Rich Skrenta on the disadvantages of abstractions like Perl’s tie, which lets you create hash data structures that aren’t actually hashes. Operator overloading (as seen in Python) suffers the same problems.

# 11:11 pm / operatoroverloading, perl, python, tie, richskrenta

May 31, 2007

RSS Bling goes Offline with Google Gears. Google Gears is Google’s new offline JavaScript framework. Dion Almaer (a Google employee) has a nice example of code using Google Gears on Ajaxian.

# 8:27 am / google-gears, google, ajaxian, javascript, offline, dion-almaer

Dojo Offline on Google Gears. “The great news is that the Dojo crew were in the loop wrt this project, and Brad has ported Dojo Offline to use Google Gears as the base platform.”

# 8:28 am / brad-neuberg, dojo, google-gears, dojooffline, offline, javascript, google

Apollo will include Google Gears technology. Looks like Google really worked on the partnerships for this one.

# 8:30 am / google-gears, offline, javascript, apollo, google

Review Board. VMWare release a slick looking Django-powered code review system, with hooks in to Subversion and Perforce.

# 8:32 am / subversion, perforce, django, vmware, codereview

Cross Domain Frame Communication with Fragment Identifiers. Google are using this crazy iframe/fragment trick for their new Mapplets API.

# 2:15 pm / google-maps, google, hack, javascript, iframes

2007 » May
