Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 7th November 2007

How to make Ajax work for you. Slides from my three hour Ajax tutorial, presented at Web 2.0 Expo Berlin on Monday.

# 10:35 am / ajax, javascript, tutorial, web2expoberlin, speaking

Gmail Greasemonkey API (via) The new version of Gmail includes API hooks for Greasemonkey script authors. The documentation is by Mark Pilgrim, author of Greasemonkey Hacks.

# 10:38 am / mihaiparparita, mark-pilgrim, gmail, google, greasemonkey, javascript

How will OpenID change your site? Excellent introduction to OpenID by Peter Nixey—includes some really nice analogies for explaining both the concept and the implications.

# 10:41 am / peter-nixey, openid, thinkvitamin

Comet Daily. New regularly updated site covering Comet, the Ajax-like umbrella term for JavaScript server-push techniques. Already a bunch of great stuff on there.

# 10:53 am / javascript, comet, ajax, cometdaily

Announcing Dojo 1.0. The tough learning curve that accompanied 0.4 and earlier has been replaced with an elegant core module (dojo) and two exciting subprojects (dojox and dijit). Well worth a look.

# 1:17 pm / dojo, javascript, dojox, dijit

In the long term, I want to replace JavaScript and the DOM with a smarter, safer design. In the medium term, I want to use something like Google Gears to give us vats with which we can have safe mashups. But in the short term, I recommend that you be using Firefox with No Script. Until we get things right, it seems to be the best we can do.

Douglas Crockford

# 3:36 pm / javascript, noscript, firefox, google-gears, dom, security, mashups, douglas-crockford

2007 » November
