Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 5th October 2007

I thought the big draw for Apple hardware was that "It Just Works." By breaking it, you must know you’re giving up the "Just Works" factor, so what’s left? Rounded corners?

Mark Pilgrim

# 4:32 pm / mark-pilgrim, apple

YSlow: Bug (fix) in Firebug’s Net Panel. The latest release of the YSlow page analysis plugin (announced at FOWA) also fixes a misleading bug in Firebug’s Net panel.

# 10:26 pm / steve-souders, firefox, firebug, fowa, yslow, yahoo, profiling

Client Side Load Balancing for Web 2.0 Applications (via) I recall that early versions of Netscape picked a random server from a hard-coded list each time a user clicked the “What’s New” button, back before server-side scaling techniques were well understood.

# 11:29 pm / scaling, load-balancing, sitepoint, digitalweb, leizhu, netscape

Obviously, everyone knows that patration means "the freedom and portability to move from one service provider to another without hinderance or boundaries"

Simon Wardley

# 11:38 pm / patration, simon-wardley, coinage

Rails 1.2.4: Maintenance release. “Session fixation attacks are mitigated by removing support for URL-based sessions”—I’ve always hated URL-based sessions; I’d be interested to hear if their removal from Rails causes legitimate problems for anyone.

# 11:42 pm / rails, sessions, sessionfixation, security

Multi-Safari. Lets you run multiple versions of Safari on the same Mac. As with the multi-IE hacks, all versions use the same underlying HTTP libraries (which belong to the OS) so the simulation isn’t entirely accurate.

# 11:51 pm / multisafari, safari, browsers

SlideShare Groups: Future Of Web Apps. Some of the presentations from the Future of Web Apps conference.

# 11:58 pm / fowa, fowa2007, future-of-web-apps, presentations, slideshare