Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 25th September 2007

France Telecom Supports OpenID! France Telecom is the parent company of Orange. Apparently all 40 million France Telecom subscribers now have an OpenID.

# 12:49 am / openid, orange, francetelecom, david-recordon

Your telco knows who you are, where you live and even your credit card number or bank account. It's their business to provide you physical access from a real location and identify you as a customer by sending you invoices and receiving money from you. This means that Orange OpenIDs are verified IDs of real people as a matter of principle.

Thomas Huhn

# 12:03 pm / strongidentity, orange, openid, identity, thomas-huhn

Zimki is to shut down. I guess they were just too revolutionary for Canon Europe, the corporate mothership, to understand.

# 12:17 pm / zimki, utilitycomputing, canoneurope, canon

DRM-free MP3 downloads from Amazon. The good: they have what looks like the entire Universal and EMI catalogues in DRM-free 256bit MP3s. The bad: you need a US billing address! So close...

# 4:30 pm / drm, mp3, amazon, universal, emi, stuart-langridge

Sun’s OpenID IdP: Real vs Fake. The thinking behind Sun’s decision to allow users of their OpenID provider to pick fake names and assign personal e-mail addresses.

# 10:39 pm / privacy, identity, openid, pii, sun, sunmicrosystems, lauren-wood

Firefox 3 Antiphishing Sends Your URLs To Google. Stories like this crop up every now and then, but no one ever seems to mention that the Google Toolbar has been doing this since it was released (more than five years ago) provided you have PageRank display turned on.

# 11:04 pm / pagerank, google, privacy, firefox, mozilla, firefox3, toolbars, google-toolbar