Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 14th April 2008

[Amazon's] forthcoming persistent storage feature will give you the ability to create reliable, persistent storage volumes for use with EC2. Once created, these volumes will be part of your account and will have a lifetime independent of any particular EC2 instance.

Jeff Barr

# 7:50 am / ec2, amazon, jeff-barr, storage

Amazon takes EC2 to the next level with persistent storage volumes. You can store a snapshot of a storage volume to S3 with a single API call, making backups trivial.

# 8:04 am / ec2, storage, backups, s3, virtualization, rightscale

Flirting with mime types [PDF] (via) Different browsers have different rules for which content types will be treated as active content (and hence could be vectors for XSS attacks). IE uses a blacklist rather than a whitelist and hence rendered active content for 696 of the tested content types.

# 8:18 am / ie, internet-explorer, browsers, contenttypes, security, xss

Once you reach a certain level of activity in the system where the garbage collector can no longer keep up (and it will happen), then every line of code in your system is now a potential failure point that can leave the whole program in a bad state. Lisp has this problem. Java has this problem. Erlang does not.

Damien Katz

# 3:17 pm / lisp, java, erlang, garbagecollection, faliure, damien-katz

KML: A new standard for sharing maps. Google’s KML format, which is already supported by both Microsoft and Yahoo!’s map software, has been accepted under the wing of the Open Geospatial Consortium and is now an international standard.

# 6:36 pm / ogc, kml, google, google-maps, maps, mapping

2008 » April
