Friday, 4th April 2008
Brendan Eich: Popularity. I never knew that Brendan went to Netscape on the promise of “doing Scheme in the browser”.
The Royal Mint: The New Designs Revealed. Matthew Dent’s design for the new UK coinage is inspired—absolutely beautiful. Can’t wait to get my hands on some of these.
Advanced JavaScript Debugging Techniques. There’s more to JavaScript debugging than just Firebug.
i am near (via) Inspired by and powered by FireEagle, currently just showing nearby pubs from OpenStreetMap but with more stuff planned. I love the URL scheme—
Implementing a syntax-higlighting JavaScript editor in JavaScript. Appropriately subtitled “a brutal odyssey to the dark side of the DOM tree”. Some seriously clever trickery going on here.
Why the webstandards world appears to be choosing Django. I’m not convinced that this is a definite trend, but it certainly makes for an interesting discussion.
Comet at the Highland Fling. I thoroughly enjoyed the Highland Fling yesterday. Here are the slides from my talk on Comet.
Hash Collisions (The Poisoned Message Attack). Demonstrates the MD5 weakness by providing two deliberately engineered PostScript documents with the same MD5 hash but radically different rendered output.