Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2008

April 27, 2008

Queryset-refactor branch has been merged into trunk. Malcolm’s latest Django masterpiece is complete.

# 7:21 am / django, malcolmtredinnick, qsrf, orm, branch, python

QuerysetRefactorBranch. What’s new and changed now that queryset-refactor has merged to trunk.

# 7:34 am / querysetrefactor, django, python

Promise and Peril for Alternative Ruby Impls. Charles Nutter’s detailed and opinionated overview of the state of twelve different Ruby implementations (six of which are covered in detail).

# 2:18 pm / ruby, charles-nutter, jruby, rubinius, ironruby, macruby

The Sea Forts (via) History and stunning photos of British World War II sea forts (kind of steel castles on stilts) seven and a half miles off the coast of Kent.

# 10:51 pm / history, seaforts, photography, wwii

2008 » April
