Simon Willison’s Weblog


June 2008

June 28, 2008

Graphite. Real-time graphing package for server monitoring, similar to RRDTool. Created by the team at Orbitz, using Django and ExtJS for the frontend and Cairo to generate the graphs.

# 11:53 pm / graphite, cairo, orbitz, rrdtool, monitoring, graphing, django, python, extjs

June 29, 2008

Microformats and accessibility: the soap opera that never ends. “Be sure to tune in next week, when we’ll drown a leading accessibility expert to see if she’s a witch.”

# 8:44 am / microformats, accessibility, funny, witch, mark-pilgrim

Dissecting today’s Internet traffic spikes (via) Theo Schlossnagle on how the increasing popularity of interest aggregation services such as Digg and Reddit result in traffic spikes that dwarf the old Slashdot effect, making a the old rules of thumb for capacity planning irrelevant.

# 2:12 pm / slashdotting, reddit, digg, theoschlossnagle, capacityplanning, scaling

Dark Launches, Gradual Ramps and Isolation: Testing the Scalability of New Features on your Web Site. Smart advice from Dare Obasanjo that extend the “dark launch” idea illustrated by Facebook chat a few weeks ago.

# 2:22 pm / dare-obasanjo, scaling, darklaunches, gradualramps, isolation, systemarchitecture, facebook

June 30, 2008

Enough Already with the Connections! Comet doesn’t mean making long-lived HTTP connections (which most browsers do anyway thanks to HTTP keep-alive), it means making long-held HTTP requests. I’m guilty of spreading this misinformation in the past.

# 9:27 am / comet, connections, requests, http, correction, keepalive

The end of LugRadio. Wow. LugRadio was a podcast before the term podcast had even been coined. It will be sorely missed.

# 2:03 pm / lugradio, stuart-langridge, podcasts

Javascript protocol fuzz results. If your HTML sanitizer uses blacklisting rather than whitelisting here are a few more weird ways of injecting javascript: in to a link that you need to worry about—but you should really switch to whitelisting http:// and https:// instead.

# 3:57 pm / sanitization, html, blacklisting, whitelisting, javascript, fuzztesting, firefox, security

2008 » June
