Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 13th May 2008

Something you had, Something you forgot, Something you were

Nick Mathewson

# 8:06 am / security, authentication, nickmathewson

django-db-log. Middleware that logs Django exceptions to the database, using a clever scheme based on an MD5 of the traceback text to group duplicate errors in to batches.

# 8:07 am / david-cramer, django, exceptions, logging, middleware, djangodblog

Persevere adds Comet Support. Persevere sounds neat: a RESTful HTTP/JSON data store (the interface reminds me of CouchDB) which recently gained the ability to “subscribe” to a resource and receive notifications of updates via comet.

# 8:09 am / persevere, comet, javascript, json, rest, restful, couchdb

Hey Google: any chance we can all build the social web together without requiring JavaScript?


# 1:49 pm / me, twitter, google, javascript

Django admin OmniGraffle stencil. Alex Lee put together a beautiful stencil for OmniGraffle containing all of the common UI elements seen in the Django admin interface, as a tool for wireframing.

# 5:58 pm / alex-lee, omnigraffle, django

Graffletopia. Huge collection of free OmniGraffle stencils.

# 5:58 pm / omnigraffle

Session variables without cookies. Brilliant but terrifying hack—you can store up to 2 MB of data in and it persists between multiple pages, even across domains. Doesn’t work with new tabs though, and storing JSON in it and eval()ing it is a bad idea—a malicious site could populate it before sending the user to you.

# 9:59 pm / javascript, json, crossdomainstorage, sessions, security

2008 » May
