Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 2nd May 2008

Django Users Group London meetup, 19th of May. The inaugural meeting of DJUGL will be on the 19th of May at the Capital Radio building in Leicester Square, sponsored by GCap Media. Three presentations starting at 7pm (I’ll be giving one of them), then on to the pub. Sign up on EventWax; there are only 70 places.

# 12:19 pm / django, python, london, djugl, gcap, gcapmedia, events

How one site dealt with SQL injection attack (via) Horrifying story of developer incompetence from Autoweb: “The contractor had no idea how to find and fix the Web page vulnerability that allowed the SQL injection attack code to execute successfully.”

# 9:01 pm / sql-injection, security, incompetence, autoweb

James B. on Pownce (via) James Bennett has started using Pownce for sort of medium-format blog entries, longer than a tweet but shorter than a blog essay and delivered with a healthy dose of snark.

# 9:15 pm / snark, james-bennett, pownce, blogging

2008 » May
