Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 17th February 2009

CloudMade: A Summary of the Future of Mapping. CloudMade are now offering commercially supported APIs on top of OpenStreetMap, including geocoding, routing and tile access libraries in Python/Ruby/Java and a very neat theming tool that lets you design your own map styles. This is really going to kick innovation around OpenStreetMap up a notch.

# 11:25 am / cloudmade, geocoding, java, mapping, openstreetmap, python, routing, ruby, tiles

Announcing django-viewtools. A really excellent idea—run ./ viewtools --pdb /path/on/site/ to debug a view in your Django project that is raising an error using the Python debugger, or use --profile to run the full request cycle for that URL through the profiler.

# 9:35 pm / debugging, django, djangoviewtools, eric-moritz, pdb, profiler, python

2009 » February
