Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 11th November 2009

The Go Programming Language. A brand new systems programming language, designed by Robert Griesemer and Unix/Plan 9 veterans Rob Pike and Ken Thompson and funded by Google. Concurrency is supported by lightweight communicating processes called goroutines. “It feels like a dynamic language but has the speed and safety of a static language.”

# 7 am / go, goroutines, google, plan9, unix, concurrency, programming, rob-pike, kenthompson, robert-griesemer

Writing good documentation (part 1). Jacob explains some of the philosophy behind Django’s documentation. Topical guides are particularly interesting—many projects skip them (leaving books to fill the gap) but they fill an essential gap between tutorials and low-level reference documentation.

# 7:13 am / jacob-kaplan-moss, documentation, django, python

Verified by Visa is training people to get phished. Searching for “Verified by Visa” on Twitter produces an endless stream of complaints. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything good about it—and it certainly doesn’t make anything more secure. Presumably there’s some kind of legal liability benefit to it, though I imagine it benefits the card issuers rather than the consumer.

# 10:47 am / verifiedbyvisa, phishing, security

2009 » November
