Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 29th September 2009

openstreetmap genuine advantage. The OpenStreetMap data model (points, ways and relations, all allowing arbitrary key/value tags) is a real thing of beauty—simple to understand but almost infinitely extensible. Mike Migurski’s latest project adds PGP signing to OpenStreetMap, allowing organisations (such as local government) to add a signature to a way (a sequence of points) and a subset of its tags, then write that signature in to a new tag on the object.

# 9:49 am / cryptography, gis, mapping, michal-migurski, openstreetmap, pgp

Python Logging 101. A really useful introduction to Python’s logging module by that module’s author, Vinay Sajip.

# 6:40 pm / logging, python, vinaysajip

Simon Willison (simonw) on Twitter. I just realised I’ve never actually linked to my Twitter account on my blog. This is mainly an experiment to see if doing so makes my follower count go up...

# 9:49 pm / experiment, me, simonw, twitter

Google Docs OCR. Whoa, the Google Docs API just got really interesting—you can upload an image to it (POST /feeds/default/private/full?ocr=true) and it will OCR the text and turn it in to a document. Since this is Google, I imagine they’ll also be using the processed documents to further improve their OCR technology.

# 9:57 pm / apis, googldocs, google, ocr

YUI 3.0.0: First GA Release of YUI’s Next-Generation Codeline. YUI 3 has some very neat ideas—everything is dynamically loaded, so you start with a tiny bootstrap script and call YUI().use(’module-name’) to load just the code you need. Congratulations to the team.

# 11:38 pm / javascript, libraries, yahoo, yui, yui3

2009 » September
