Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 13th March 2018

Being fast and light: Using binary data to optimise libraries on the client and the server. (via) Ada Rose Cannon provides a detailed introduction to ArrayBuffers in JavaScript and describes how she used them for a custom binary protocol to sync the state of 170 Virtual Reality users in the same venue without bringing down the network.

# 2:34 pm / javascript, websockets

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers. This is such a brilliant piece of software design: Cloudflare took the service workers spec and used it as the basis for their edge-executed JacaScript feature. This means you can run server-side JavaScript in hundreds of edge locations worldwide, applying custom dynamic logic (including additional async cached fetch() calls) with only around 1ms if additional overhead. The pricing model is a steal: $0.50 per million requests with a $5/month minimum.

# 4:36 pm / cdn, javascript, cloudflare, serviceworkers

2018 » March
