Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 11th August 2021

sqlite-utils API reference (via) I released sqlite-utils 3.15.1 today with just one change, but it’s a big one: I’ve added docstrings and type annotations to nearly every method in the library, and I’ve started using sphinx-autodoc to generate an API reference page in the documentation directly from those docstrings. I’ve deliberately avoided building this kind of documentation in the past because I so often see projects where the class reference is the ONLY documentation, which I find makes it really hard to figure out how to actually use it. sqlite-utils already has extensive narrative prose documentation so in this case I think it’s a useful enhancement—especially since the docstrings and type hints can help improve the usability of the library in IDEs and Jupyter notebooks.

# 1:03 am / sqlite-utils, documentation, python, sphinx-docs

Adding Sphinx autodoc to a project, and configuring Read The Docs to build it. My TIL notes from figuring out how to use sphinx-autodoc for the sqlite-utils reference documentation today.

# 1:21 am / sqlite-utils, documentation, sphinx-docs, read-the-docs

GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces. My absolute dream development environment is one where I can spin up a new, working development environment in seconds—to try something new on a branch, or because I broke something and don’t want to spend time figuring out how to fix it. This article from GitHub explains how they got there: from a half-day setup to a 45 minute bootstrap in a codespace, then to five minutes through shallow cloning and a nightly pre-built Docker image and finally to 10 seconds be setting up “pools of codespaces, fully cloned and bootstrapped, waiting to be connected with a developer who wants to get to work”.

# 4:53 pm / docker, github, github-codespaces

2021 » August
