Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 19th July 2021

Inserting One Billion Rows in SQLite Under a Minute (via) Avinash Sajjanshetty experiments with accelerating writes to a test table in SQLite, using various SQLite pragmas to accelerate inserts followed by a rewrite of Python code to Rust. Also of note: running the exact same code in PyPy saw a 3.5x speed-up!

# 12:13 am / rust, sqlite, pypy

toyDB: references. toyDB is a “distributed SQL database in Rust, written as a learning project”, with its own implementations of SQL, raft, ACID transactions, B+trees and more. toyDB author Erik Grinaker has assembled a detailed set of references that he used to learn how to build a database—I’d love to see more projects do this, it’s really useful.

# 12:18 am / rust, databases

Launch HN Instructions (via) The instructions for YC companies that are posting their launch announcement on Hacker News are really interesting to read. “As founders, you’re used to talking to users, customers, and investors. HN readers are not any of those—what they are is peers, and using any of those styles with peers feels clueless and entitled. [...] To interest HN, write in a factual, personal, and modest way about what problem you solve, why it matters, how you solve it, and how you got there.”

# 1:05 am / marketing, y-combinator, hacker-news

2021 » July
