Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 27th January 2022

Two reasons Kubernetes is so complex (via) I like how this article proposes that Kubernetes isn’t trying to be a tool for deploying containers—it’s more like an operating system for a cluster of machines, responsible for the same kind of goals as a regular operating system such as resource sharing and portability. And since everything is built as control loops which attempt to modify actual state to fit the declarative desired state, errors can occur asynchronously seconds or even minutes after the desired state has been updated.

# 6:25 pm / kubernetes

Consistent with the practices outlined in SP 800-63B, agencies must remove password policies that require special characters and regular password rotation from all systems within one year of the issuance of this memorandum. These requirements have long been known to lead to weaker passwords in real-world use and should not be employed by the Federal Government.

Memo: Moving the U.S. Government Toward Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles

# 7:18 pm / government, passwords, security

The baseline for web development in 2022 (via) “TL;DR:The baseline for web development in 2022 is: low-spec Android devices in terms of performance, Safari from two years before in terms of Web Standards, and 4G in terms of networks. The web in general is not answering those needs properly, especially in terms of performance where factors such as an over-dependence on JavaScript are hindering our sites’ performance.”

# 8:09 pm / web-performance

2022 » January
