Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 30th July 2022

Weeknotes: Joining the board of the Python Software Foundation

Visit Weeknotes: Joining the board of the Python Software Foundation

A few weeks ago I was elected to the board of directors for the Python Software Foundation.

[... 2,081 words]

Introducing sqlite-lines—a SQLite extension for reading files line-by-line (via) Alex Garcia wrote a brilliant C module for SQLIte which adds functions (and a table-valued function) for efficiently reading newline-delimited text into SQLite. When combined with SQLite’s built-in JSON features this means you can read a huge newline-delimited JSON file into SQLite in a streaming fashion so it doesn’t exhaust memory for a large file. Alex also compiled the extension to WebAssembly, and his post here is an Observable notebook post that lets you exercise the code directly.

# 7:18 pm / observable, json, webassembly, sqlite, alex-garcia

GPSJam (via) John Wiseman’s “Daily maps of GPS interference” —a beautiful interactive globe (powered by Mapbox GL) which you can use to see points of heaviest GPS interference over a 24 hour period, using data collected from commercial airline radios by ADS-B Exchange. “From what I can tell the most common reason for aircraft GPS systems to have degraded accuracy is jamming by military systems. At least, the vast majority of aircraft that I see with bad GPS accuracy are flying near conflict zones where GPS jamming is known to occur.”

# 7:51 pm / john-wiseman, gps, gis, mapping

GAS-ICS-Sync (via) Google Calendar can subscribe to ICS calendar feeds... but polls for updates less than once every 24 hours (as far as I can tell) greatly limiting their usefulness. Derek Antrican wrote a script using Google App Script which fixes this by polling calendar URLs more often and writing them to your calendar via the write API.

# 11:47 pm / google-calendar, icalendar

2022 » July
