Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 10th January 2023

Retiring Pinafore (via) Nolan Lawson built Pinafore, which became my default Mastodon client on both desktop and mobile over the past month. He thoughtfully explains why he’s ending his involvement in the project—and why, for trust reasons, he’s not planning on handing over the reigns to someone else. Pinafore is everything I want a good SPA to be—it loads fast, works offline and packs a whole lot of functionality into a tiny package. I’m sad to see Nolan’s involvement come to end—it’s a superb piece of software.

# 2:05 am / mastodon, javascript

Mapping Python to LLVM (via) Codon is a fascinating new entry in the “compile Python code to something else” world—this time targeting LLVM. Ariya Shajii describes in great detail how it pulls this off, including tricks such as transforming Python generators to LLVM coroutines. Codon doesn’t promise that all Python code will work—it’s best thought of as a Python-like language which can be used to create compiled modules which can then be imported back into regular Python projects.

# 2:08 am / llvm, compilers, python

You will not use the Software for any act that may undermine China's national security and national unity, harm the public interest of society, or infringe upon the rights and interests of human beings.

The GLM-130B License

# 10:45 pm / machine-learning, licenses, ai, generative-ai, llms

2023 » January
