Simon Willison’s Weblog


How to Get or Create in PostgreSQL (via) Get or create - for example to retrieve an existing tag record from a database table if it already exists or insert it if it doesn’t - is a surprisingly difficult operation.

Haki Benita uses it to illustrate a variety of interesting PostgreSQL concepts.

New to me: a pattern that runs INSERT INTO tags (name) VALUES (tag_name) RETURNING *; and then catches the constraint violation and returns a record instead has a disadvantage at scale: “The table contains a dead tuple for every attempt to insert a tag that already existed” - so until vacuum runs you can end up with significant table bloat!

Haki’s conclusion is that the best solution relies on an upcoming feature coming in PostgreSQL 17: the ability to combine the MERGE operation with a RETURNING clause:

WITH new_tags AS (
    MERGE INTO tags
    USING (VALUES ('B'), ('C')) AS t(name)
    ON =
    INSERT (name) VALUES (
SELECT * FROM tags WHERE name IN ('B', 'C')
SELECT * FROM new_tags;

I wonder what the best pattern for this in SQLite is. Could it be as simple as this?

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tags (name) VALUES ('B'), ('C');

The SQLite INSERT documentation doesn't currently provide extensive details for INSERT OR IGNORE, but there are some hints in this forum thread. This post by Rob Hoelz points out that INSERT OR IGNORE will silently ignore any constraint violation, so INSERT INTO tags (tag) VALUES ('C'), ('D') ON CONFLICT(tag) DO NOTHING may be a better option.