Simon Willison’s Weblog

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1 post tagged “alan-storm”


Yes, it'd be nice if everyone kept up to date on the progress of the various W3C working groups. They don't. There are a lot of people who asked what professional markup looked like and were told (right or wrong) that XHTML was the future. So they went ahead and learned XHTML, built their websites and chose watching a DVD or spending time with their kids over watching Mark Pilgrim and Sam Ruby do battle over Postel's Law. Now all of a sudden they're told XHTML is dead. Some wailing and gnashing of teeth is to be expected. What's needed is less "boy aren't I smarter than them" snideness, and more Hey, here's what's up.

Alan Storm

# 4th July 2009, 12:51 pm / xhtml, html5, mark-pilgrim, sam-ruby, postelslaw, xhtml2, web-standards, w3c, alan-storm