Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for bert

2 items tagged “bert”


Introducing BERT and BERT-RPC. Justification for inventing a brand new serialisation protocol: Thrift and Protocol Buffers both use IDLs and code generation, XML “is not convertible to a simple unambiguous data structure in any language I’ve ever used” and JSON lacks support for unencoded binary data. The result is BERT—Binary ERlang Term—which extracts a format from Erlang in much the same way that JSON extracted one from JavaScript.

# 21st October 2009, 10:11 pm / bert, erlang, github, javascript, json, protocolbuffers, serialisation, thrift, xml

How We Made GitHub Fast. Detailed overview of the new GitHub architecture. It’s a lot more complicated than I would have expected—lots of moving parts are involved in ensuring they can scale horizontally when they need to. Interesting components include nginx, Unicorn, Rails, DRBD, HAProxy, Redis, Erlang, memcached, SSH, git and a bunch of interesting new open source projects produced by the GitHub team such as BERT/Ernie and ProxyMachine.

# 21st October 2009, 9:14 pm / bert, drbd, erlang, ernie, git, github, haproxy, memcached, nginx, proxymachine, rails, redis, replication, ruby, scaling, ssh, unicorn