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7 items tagged “cardspace”


In the final Production release we will be adding the ability to sign in to the Live ID OpenID Provider using any of the credential types that can be used with regular Live ID sign-in's -- including CardSpace, SmartCard, eID, etc.

Jorgen Thelin

# 30th October 2008, 5:09 pm / cardspace, smartcard, eid, windowslive, openid, jorgen-thelin

Windows Live Adds Support For OpenID. I hope they include the option to log in to the provider using CardSpace, to address phishing.

# 27th October 2008, 9:34 pm / cardspace, live, microsoft, openid, phishing, techcrunch

New authentication schemes such as OpenID, or Microsoft's CardSpace, may help as adoption increases. These systems make it possible to register for one site using credentials verified by another. Instead of having many sites with poor verification procedures, the internet could have a few sites with strong verification procedures, that are then used by others. The advantage for the user is that they no longer have to jump through multiple hoops for each new site they encounter.

Tim Anderson, in the Guardian

# 29th August 2008, 10:01 am / captcha, tim-anderson, guardian, openid, cardspace, security


Introducing Windows CardSpace. I incorrectly stated in my talk yesterday that CardSpace was a feature of Vista; it’s actually available for XP as well as part of the .NET 3.0 framework.

# 22nd February 2007, 11:47 am / cardspace, correction, future-of-web-apps, microsoft

CardSpace & OpenID: Working together. A more detailed explanation of what the Microsoft OpenID collaboration actually means.

# 7th February 2007, 1:58 am / cardspace, microsoft, openid, scott-kveton

Microsoft & OpenID. HUGE news. Microsoft are officially supporting OpenID, through integration with CardSpace.

# 7th February 2007, 1:56 am / cardspace, microsoft, openid

Firefox3/Firefox Requirements (via) OpenID and CardSpace are both listed as mandatory features.

# 11th January 2007, 6:56 pm / cardspace, firefox, identity, openid