Simon Willison’s Weblog


64 items tagged “machine-learning”


How Adversarial Attacks Work. Adversarial attacks against machine learning classifiers involve constructing an input that deliberately produces the wrong classification. This article shows how these can be constructed, and includes examples generated using PyTorch which produce a sports car that gets identified as a toaster and a photo of Sylvester Stallone that gets classified as Keanu Reeves.

# 2nd November 2017, 8:25 pm / machine-learning, python

Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course (via) Slides, course description and links to lecture videos for the 2017 Deep Natural Language Processing course at the University of Oxford presented by a team from Google DeepMind.

# 31st October 2017, 8:39 pm / machine-learning, nlp, google

Hey Siri: An On-device DNN-powered Voice Trigger for Apple’s Personal Assistant (via) “The “Hey Siri” detector uses a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to convert the acoustic pattern of your voice at each instant into a probability distribution over speech sounds. It then uses a temporal integration process to compute a confidence score that the phrase you uttered was “Hey Siri”. If the score is high enough, Siri wakes up.”

# 20th October 2017, 3:48 am / machine-learning


How Dopplr learns. Dopplr uses global and personal trip histories to disambiguate place names, and your friends’ schedules to help disambiguate dates in airline confirmation emails.

# 23rd July 2008, 4:17 pm / dopplr, dates, machine-learning