Simon Willison’s Weblog

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4 posts tagged “netflix”


A Netflix Web Performance Case Study (via) Fascinating description of how Netflix knocked the 3G loading times of their homepage in half for logged-out users by rendering the React templates on the server-side and using the bare amount of vanilla JavaScript necessary to get the homepage interactive—then XHR prefetching the full React code needed to power the subsequent signup flow. Via Alex Russell, who tweets “I’m increasingly optimistic that we can cap JS emissions by quarantining legacy frameworks to the server side.”

# 6th November 2018, 8:54 pm / netflix, react, web-performance, alex-russell, javascript

Among other things at Netflix the Mantis Query Language (MQL an SQL for streaming data) which ferries around approximately 2 trillion events every day for operational analysis (SPS alerting, quality of experience metrics, debugging production, etc) is written entirely in Clojure.

diab0lic on Hacker News

# 1st November 2018, 2:52 am / netflix, clojure

Beyond Interactive: Notebook Innovation at Netflix. Netflix have been investing heavily in their internal Jupyter notebooks infrastructure: it’s now the most popular tool for working with data at Netflix. They also use parameterized notebooks to make it easy to create templates for reusable operations, and scheduled notebooks for recurring tasks. “When a Spark or Presto job executes from the scheduler, the source code is injected into a newly-created notebook and executed. That notebook then becomes an immutable historical record, containing all related artifacts — including source code, parameters, runtime config, execution logs, error messages, and so on.”

# 18th August 2018, 5:55 pm / netflix, jupyter


The making of the NYT’s Netflix graphic. A database dump from Netflix, some clever hackery in ArcView GIS, hpricot to scrape Metacritic and a lot of careful thought about the UI for navigating the data.

# 25th January 2010, 1:11 pm / ui, design, usability, netflix, new-york-times, infographics, visualisation, arcview, gis, hpricot, metacritic