Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for phil-gyford

8 items tagged “phil-gyford”

2024 A page for every blog. I hadn’t checked in on Phil Gyford’s blog directory since it first launched in November 2022. I’m delighted to see that it’s thriving—2,117 blogs have now been carefully curated, and the latest feature is a page for each blog showing its categories, description, an activity graph and the most recent posts syndicated via RSS/Atom.

# 9th January 2024, 10:15 pm / atom, blogs, phil-gyford, rss, syndication


Describing events in code (via) Phil Gyford built an online directory of every play, movie, gig and exhibition he has been to in the past 38 years using a combination of digital archaeology and saved ticket stubs. He built it using Django and published this piece extensively describing the process he went through to design the data model.

# 28th March 2018, 3:41 pm / django, orm, phil-gyford


Today’s Guardian, by Phil Gyford. An alternative interface for reading today’s Guardian, built using the new Open Platform Content API and with extensive design notes from creator Phil Gyford.

# 9th June 2010, 11:21 pm / contentapi, design, guardian, newspapers, openplatform, phil-gyford, recovered

This is an outrage. Phil Gyford’s reaction to the reaction to the Digital Economy Bill. Ends on a positive note hoping that the online furor will result in more technology-minded people paying more attention to the UK political process.

# 11th April 2010, 7:25 pm / debill, phil-gyford


Ask MetaFilter’s best introductory books. Part of Phil Gyford’s ongoing quest to “learn about everything”, a list of the best introductory books to a wide range of topics collated from a thread on Ask MetaFilter.

# 12th May 2009, 11:23 am / ask-metafilter, books, education, phil-gyford


Ghostly fingers of APIs. Phil Gyford has a lovely diagram of the sites that he updates manually and the surprisingly large number of other sites that they affect.

# 30th October 2008, 5:08 pm / apis, phil-gyford


Man of the moment. Phil Gyford gets some well-deserved recognition.

# 9th July 2004, 5:45 am / phil-gyford


Pepy’s diary

Pepy’s Diary is a serialization of the Diary of Samuel Pepys in weblog form, which launched on Christmas day plans to continue for the next ten years (the time period covered by the diary). The weblog is quickly becoming a meme, and Phil Gyford, its creator, has written an overview of how publicity spread after the diary’s launch. He has also written a story for BBC News Online describing the project. I am reminded of Bloggus Caesari, a historical weblog by Julius Caesar.